Implementation of the COMESA Customs Union
Adoption of the Customs Management Regulations (CMR), Common External Tariff (CET) and the Customs Tariff Nomenclature (CTN) awaits conclusion of the discussions on how the four EAC-COMESA Member States will participate in the COMESA Customs Union. A meeting on this matter was held in Nairobi on 15 – 18 July 2014 and the Project supported two delegates from Uganda. The project will support internal consultations on participation of Uganda into the COMESA Customs Union. The project will also facilitate capacity building to the private sector on issues of compliance to the regional legal regime especially in respect to the EAC and COMESA Customs Union. In addition, the Project supported training on the COMESA and EAC Rules of Origin targeting traders, manufactures, producers and the private sector umbrella associations from the central region. The training aimed at enabling the private sector to take advantage of the regional markets. Furthermore, the Project in collaboration with Private Sector Foundation Uganda supported a five days’ workshop/Expo which prepared the private sector on how to position itself to competitively produce and trade in the single customs territory.